Map your health and wellness journey with tools and resources to build strong provider relationships, access care managers for help and support and detail a personal health summary. You can also find health & wellness information and access virtual care 24/7.
MDLIVE is a convenient alternative to traditional health care. Board certified doctors can visit with you either by phone or secure video to help treat any non-emergency medical conditions such as fever, pink eye, rashes or bladder infections. Licensed therapists offer online behavior health care on you schedule from wherever you’re located. It’s easy to register and download the app.
$62/visit or less
Insect Bites
Pink eye
Respiratory problems
Sore throats
Urinary problems/UTI
$93/visit or less
$257/visit or less
Bipolar disorders
Eating disorders
LGBTQ support
Grief and loss
Men’s issues
Panic disorders
Trauma and PTSD
Women’s Issues
$67/visit or less
Cold sore
Insect Bites
Suspicious spots
The visit may be applied to your credit card at the time of your MDLIVE visit and the claim will be automatically submitted to Aspirus Health Plan. Your credit card will be automatically credited for any Aspirus Health Plan claims payment subject to your plan benefits schedule.
MDLIVE does not replace the existing primary care physician relationship. MDLIVE is not an insurance product nor a prescription fulfillment warehouse. MDLIVE operates subject to state regulation and may not be available in certain states. MDLIVE does not guarantee that a prescription will be written. MDLIVE does not prescribe DEA controlled substances, non-therapeutic drugs and certain other drugs which may be harmful because of their potential for abuse. MDLIVE physicians reserve the right to deny care for potential misuse of services. MDLIVE phone consultations are available 24/7/365, while video consultations are available during the hours of 7am to 9pm ET 7 days a week or by scheduled availability. MDLIVE and the MDLIVE logo are registered trademarks of MDLIVE, Inc. and may not be used without written permission.
Personal health records are forms where you can record and maintain your health information. Talk with your health care provider about how frequently you need preventive care based on your personal history. Keep your personal health record handy, and bring it to your health care office visits.
Download your personal health summary or you can customize your own through
Aspirus Health Plan puts an emphasis on keeping you healthy. We include a 100% benefit for preventive services when preformed by participating provider. This means no deductible, copay, or maximum dollar limit for routine exams and preventive services. We are proud to offer a range of services to our members, including all preventive services rated A or B by the United Stated Preventative services Task Force (USPSTF).
Individual Preventive Services (PDF) Group Preventive Services (PDF)For a complete listing of covered preventive services visit the USPSTF website or call Customer Service at 866.631.5404 or TTY 1.866.631.8597.
Our preventive care tools are aimed at helping you prevent disease or injury rather than helping cure or treat specific medical symptoms.
Make sure your child is immunized for diseases like polio and diphtheria. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has an easy-to-use childhood vaccine assessment tool so you can learn which vaccines your child may need.
High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a disease with few or no symptoms.The American Heart Association is a health agency that helps people learn how to keep blood pressure in the healthy range, reducing disability and death from cardiovascular diseases and stroke.
Refer to the American Heart Association’s high blood pressure page to learn if you are at risk for heart attack, stroke, heart failure, or kidney disease.
The American Cancer Society helps educate people on how to reduce their risk of cancer by encouraging healthy lifestyle choices. Consider not smoking or using other tobacco products, maintaining a healthy body weight, getting regular physical activity, eating a healthy diet, limiting alcohol consumption, and getting cancer-screening tests.
Are you living smart? Take a quick nutrition and activity quiz to find out.
High cholesterol levels can lead to heart disease, but by following a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, and being physically active, you can maintain a healthy weight and help lower your cholesterol level. Visit The Center for Disease and Prevention to learn more about cholesterol and its risk factors.
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services offers various fall prevention programs, initiatives, and resources for seniors age 60 and older. Help reduce fall-related complications and deaths among Wisconsinites through the integration of community-based and medical preventive approaches. Learn more at the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.